As many know, on September 20, 2023, there were multiple anti-2SLGBTQIA+ protests and walkouts that occurred across Canada. The Prince George’s event was part of the nationwide #1 Million March 4 Children movement, including protests against SOGI, mixed bathrooms, “gender ideology,” and children using pronouns of their choice. There appears to be misinformation being shared online about school curriculums and the involvement of SOGI within Canadian schools. Protester signs especially displayed this misinformation with some reading “Stop Sexual Exploitation in schools”, this is a very disturbing statement as SOGI discussion in schools revolve around inclusion and the creation of safe spaces for ALL students, while also developing their understanding of the diversity of the world outside of their communities.

The focus of our of our involvement in the demonstration today is really a it’s a message of inclusion, a message of affirmation. When we have discussions around inclusion in our schools, it actually makes schools safer for all youth and kids, not just for trans youth, not just for gender diverse kids.

Dr. Sheona Mitchell-Foster, PG Physicians Against Hate

The way I see it people that care about their children do not protest them. It has been proven that gender and sexuality-affirming education and care saves lives and that protesting such a topic threatens the safety of our youth – people you may know and love. If you care about children but advocate against their freedom and mental/physical well-being and advocate for policies that will threaten long term you do not have what is best for them in mind. Your Parental/Guardian rights do not overrule a child’s right to embrace themselves and live freely. 

Alongside members of my BEd cohort, I attended the counter rally to this event. No matter one’s gender identity, or sexuality there is absolutely no space for hate here, and I hope that one day there will be no space for hate everywhere we go. 

All Photos by Me.

Resources here:

Foundry Prince George:

Northern Transgender Clinic through Blue Pine:

Northern Pride Centre:

Pride P.G: